
Do Not Face Reality

Do not face reality unless it is a reality you want to create---for any “reality” only exists because someone has focused it into being.

Someone will say, “But this is a true thing, and therefore it deserves my attention.” And we say that you make whatever you give your attention to…your Truth. And so, it is extremely beneficial for you to focus primarily on the way you feel while giving only scant attention to the manifestations as they are unfolding, for whenever you are giving your primary attention to things as they are, you are hindering the expansion of what-is.

All those statistics that are gathered about your own experiences and about others---are only about how somebody has already flowed Energy. They are not about any hard-and-fast now reality.

Within your current society, there are many who gather the statistics of human experience. Their lives have become more about labeling the behavior or experiences of those with whom they share their planet than about their own creating.

And so, they find themselves in a very uncomfortable position as they come to believe that their happiness or Well-Being depends upon the behavior of others. They point to people, behaviors, or beliefs and call them inappropriate, saying no to them, without realizing that they are including into their experience the vibration of the very thing they do not want. And so without the knowledge of how it is that those unwanted things are making their way into their experience, they become increasingly guarded and fearful.

Freedom from the fear of unwanted experiences will never be achieved by trying to control the behavior or desires of others. Your freedom can only be allowed by adjusting your own vibrational point of attraction.
